In case you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can either return the products, within 14 calendar business days from the delivery day, or exchange them or receive compensation equivalent to the value of the returning product, or even receive credit for your next order. Take into account that you will not have the right to exchange, refund, or use credit of the amount due, in case you ordered products tagged as ‘non-refundable’ or as ‘exclusive’ in the description, which are mostly seasonal, custom-made, or non- refundable products for hygiene reasons.
When you return products with the aim of exchanging them with others or receiving credit for your next order, or even willing for a refund, you are responsible for the shipment of the fore mentioned products, having in mind the risks that return entails.
You have the right to withdraw from the said contract, within 14 calendar days (withdrawing deadline) and make a request for refund.
The withdrawing deadline is estimated from the day that you or a third place appointed by you, acquires the possession or the authority of the product. In case there are included multiple products in the same order, but they have been delivered separately, the withdrawing deadline is applied after 14 calendar days, counting from the day you or a third place indicated by you (except the courier) obtains the possession or the authority of the last product.
If you want to exercise the right of withdrawing and ask for a refund, please inform us in the mail address, which is mentioned in the present web page, regarding your decision to withdraw from the in between us contract, with a clearly outlined statement. For this aim, you can use the withdrawing plan, provided in Appendix 1 (withdrawing document), which is adapted to the present terms of use and purchase, as integral part of them. Otherwise, you can use the withdrawing document which is included inside the package of your order. In order to conform with the withdraw deadline, you should better send the withdraw statement before the expiration of the given deadline.
Make sure that you hand the products over to us without unjustified delay and no later than 14 days from the day you sent the withdrawing statement. Please note that you will be charged for the return expenses, and you will be responsible for any potential decrease in the worth of products due to their bad handling during the returning process, apart from the
policy which is vital to define the quality, the features, and the functionality of the product.
If you exercise the right of withdrawing and request your money back, we will refund all the occurring payments, including shipping fee (unless you have chosen any other delivery way than the least expensive one being offered) within 14 days from the day we received your withdrawing statement. The refund will be carried through on the same way you did
the initial transaction. Take into consideration that is possible to withhold the sum of compensation until we finally receive the products or until you provide us supporting evidence that you have shipped the said products.
You can exchange the purchased product with another one, which belongs to the same category, but in different size, color, or even choose something completely different, according to availability. Otherwise, you can use the sum of money you paid, as credit for your next purchase. Note that your next order should be submitted within 12 months from
the day we received the products back.
We accept return of products with the aim of exchanging them with others, getting credit on your next order or getting a refund, provided that all the returned products haven’t been used, are on the same (good) condition they were delivered to you.
We won’t accept any damaged or stained products; In that case we might send them back to you or reject your request for refund, so please take care of the products as long as they are in your possession. We won’t accept returns of stained products or products without the protective tape. For hygiene reasons, we do not accept returns of earrings, purchased via the e-shop.
If you have received a gift purchased via our e-shop and you want to return it, please follow the instructions included in the gift receipt of the order. Note that gifts can only be exchanged with products of equal or higher worth. They cannot be exchanged with credit for your next order or refund.